Wednesday 18 June 2014

Memorable Moments of My Life

Hello Friends this is Suraj Singh Panwar, and i want to share my memorable moments of my life with you...!!
Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Suraj Panwar

Saturday 28 January 2012

Google Analytics Test

1 -           It is possible to sign up for a Google analytics Account Vai an existing Google Adwards account
    Ans: True

2 -           Excluding your own internal traffic in a Google Analytics report can:
   Ans: Filters

3 -           Filters can not be used to:
    B. Identify problems with side metadata

4 -           Navigation summary shows:
   a. Paths visitors use to get your content.

5 -           If you click visualize on a keyword report, each dot on the motion chart hence obtained will represent a:
  B. Date

6 -           To apply filters to your data so as to keep your "raw" data intact. You can create a:
B. Duplicate profile in your account

7 -           A Funnel Represents

8 -           How can you see all the filters that have been applied to a profile in Google Analytics?

9 -           To see the Google Ad words cost data within Google Analytics, You must:
c.             Check the ‘Apply cost data checkbox’ located under the analytics tab while in google Analytics.

10 -         The Google Analytics Tracking Code snippet needs to be placed in:

11 -         A pharmaceutical products website has a product desciption page with images, prices and  descirption of the drug X. the users can click the order now button on this page to reach the payment processing page. to track with fraction of the visitors visited the product description page, but not the payment processsing page. you should:

12 -         The Google Analytics Tracking Code is:
A. Profile Specific

13 -         The click data on top of your website is shown by:
C. Navigation summary

14 -         Choose the incorrect statement.

15 -         How can a goal in Google analytics be made inactive?

16 -         Google Analytics logs a page-view:

17 -         What is the maximum number of events per visit that can te tracked by Google Analytics?
Ans: No Ans

18 -         A Unique pageview:

19 -         The precentage of visits in which the users left your site after visiting only the entrance page is known as:

20 -         Which of the following statement about Google Analytics is incorrect?

21-          Event Tracking Trending

22 -         Auto Tagging and link tagging

23 -         when the google analytics tracking code is installed, tracking beginsWhen the google analytics tracking code is installed, tracking begins

24 -         Google analytics does not allow you to:

25 -         Google Analytics track data from a variety of sources to provide:
a. closed-loop ROI analysis

26 -         Automatic tracking og Google adwords campaigns in Google Analytics:
b. Can be achieved by enabling ‘auto tagging’ in google adwords

27 -         A subdirectory of a website:

28 -         Motion charts allow you to visualize the data in a miximum of - dimensions.
D.            5

29 -         Unduplicated (counted only once) visitors to your website over the course of a specified time period are counted as:
B.            Unique visitors

30 -         while customizing a goal, the "required step" checkbox

31 -         this question is based upon the figure shown below
c. 3

32 -         in compaign tracking, analytics will not track the visitors properly without which of the following three variables?
33 -         The query string variable utm_content is used to:

34 -         A visitor's interaction with your website after clicking on your Google ad words Ad can be monitored by

35 -         A high bounce rate generally indicates:

36 -         While creating a new filter in Google Analytics, by which field can a custom filter be specified?

37-          For the purpose of Google Analytics reports, a session is considered to have ended if the user has been inactive on the side for:

38 -         Conversion University
conversion university
b.) provides tips on interpreting the data

39 -         Question: Excluding your own internal traffic in a Google Analytics report can:
Ans: It can be achieved by Filter  

40 -         Question: A funnel can be defined
The defined funnel: You may specify up to ten pages in a defined funnel. Although funnels are optional, defining one can help you map where visitors drop off during the path to completing a goal.

41 -         Question: a webpage consists of a video player and descriptive text. if the bounce rate for the page whs high before the installation of event tracking, what will be the change in the bounce rate for the same page when event tracking is set up for the player

42 -         Question: if a visitor hits reload after reaching a page, it will be counted as
Ans: additional pageview
43 -         in campaign tracking, analytics will not rack the visitors properly without which of the follwoing three variables?
Ans: a,b,c

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Marketing with Yahoo Answers: 10 Ways to Promote Your Business Using YA

I previously wrote about How to Use Yahoo Answers to Promote Your Business . The article was first written in 2007 when I just started to top the Business and Finance category, and 2 years later, I am still in the top 10 of the Business and Finance category.
Why use Yahoo Answers? For, Yahoo Answers has offered a number of benefits:
  • Free traffic – we always love free!
  • Lots of traffic – with more than 21 million users in the US and 90 million outside, YA can potentially bring huge traffic (and free!)
  • Responsiveness to ads – I’m a numbers person, and I love to slice and dice our web stats. One of my important finding is that traffic from YA has brought us a huge chunk of advertising income, and that alone is the main reason why I spend a lot of time on YA.
Marketing through Yahoo Answers is not easy. Unlike Twitter where you drop your link in 140 characters, you need to actually answer the question — and some of the questions can be detailed and even tedious. Plus, YA doesn’t allow dropping links for the sake of merely dropping links.

So how can you use YA to promote your business?
1. Be relevant = Relevance is the key. You can only drop your links either in the source box or in the actual answer IF AND ONLY IF the link is actually relevant to the question.
My strategy is to drop links only if I actually got the answer from any of our pages. For example, a question on what business should I start, I paraphrase the content of our article Choosing the Best Home Business to Start and then put the article in the source code. If anyone complains about spamming, I can easily argue that the source is where I actually got the answer.
2. Lose the signature file. See #1 tip. Sig file is the easiest way to be pinned for spamming, especially if your link has absolutely nothing to do with the question at hand, and you post the same link again and again in your answers. It’s the quickest way for your account to be suspended (and yes, YA also kicks out people, though you can easily create a new account).
3. Put your website/s information in your Profile page. YA allows users to promote their businesses in their profile. Use this to your advantage.
4. Be visible. The more visible you are, the more chances people are (a) going to check out your profile page; and (b) going to click on your website links in your answers or in your source boxes.
5. Provide the best answer — ALWAYS. Think of YA as your opportunity to present to potential target market that you are the best with what you do, or at least knowledgeable of your sector. They are more likely to check you out if they like what they read from your answers.
One more benefit of giving the best answers is increased visibility as you will start climbing up the category or subcategory, if not the country-specific or global leaderboards. Those leaderboards are great marketing tools as they represent the best in that category (however “best” is defined — best cheater, best answerer, best strategist). BAs mean 10 points, so getting more BAs can help you go up the leaderboards much faster compared to the 2 points of just giving out answers.
6. Come to YA with a strategy. One common tactic, especially of those with incredibly high best answer percentage is to answer only questions with 0 response and then voting for their own answer, thereby guaranteeing that they get the Best Answers (not that I do this).
Voting for your answer is not a violation (though YA at one point banned people from voting for their own answer but was quickly overturned). And answering questions with 0 answers is not a violation, either. These strategies are commonly frowned upon, but they are not considered to be against the rules.
So what is my strategy? I have a 150-page document of all my answers in YA. So if someone asks about angel investors, I have a ready answer that I can paste. If someone asks about what is Adsense, I also have a ready answer for that. I even have 10 variations on “getting a grant” type of question — for Qs on grants for school, grants for non profits, grants for starting a business, even getting grants for felons. I can provide my answers fast, just slightly modifying the response based on the actual question. On lazy days, I simply search for questions — e.g. business plan — and then pasting my pre-prepared response. Some users don’t like it, but hey, my response answers the questions and that’s all that matters!
7. Vote for your own answers. As I previously said, YA allows you to vote for your own answer. If you think you answered the best, why will you allow someone who answered “Google it!” or “I don’t know” win out over your well-thought out answer? It doesn’t make sense. Give your answers a fighting chance by taking time to review all Qs in voting and vote for your own answer. Given that askers rarely come back and choose the BA, you stand a high chance of getting BAs for your answers.
8. Protect your account. Yes, there’s a lot of trolls in YA and competitors who want to sabotage your account. If you don’t protect yourself, you’ll find yourself getting lots of Violation Notices. I even got a VN for spamming because I directed the user to the website!
I used to have my account open to the public so anyone and everyone can read and learn from my answers. After someone went over my responses and voting for No Best Answer (if NBA wins, the Q will be deleted) even if I and the other respondents gave on-target answers. So now, I protect my account by:
  • Keeping my account private.
  • I don’t accept fans — unless I know and trust them. I used to have 500+ fans, but I removed all of them.
9. Increase your reporting trust level. Part of #8, but deserves a thorough discussion. YA’s community moderation system allows users to file an abuse report for any violations they see or perceive on the site — from spamming, solicitation, malicious codes, violence or threats, fraud, and others.
The more you report abuses correctly, the higher your reporting trust level and the faster you can delete content in YA. In less than 2 minutes sometimes, you’ll have the instant gratification of seeing your reported content to be removed from YA (to prevent abuse, they allow only 5 instant deletions from that same user, then your reports go to Yahoo customer care or YA staffers). Go after the very obvious spammers — those who post their blogspot link with no other answer, the credit/loan solicitation — as the abuse reports are likely to stick and they are not likely to defend their answers.
Another benefit of reporting correctly — and increasing your trust level — is that it becomes harder for anyone to report your content and delete it immediately from YA. You need this protection so that others, with lower trust ranking than you, cannot remove your answers by themselves.
10. Read, and re-read the Community Guidelines. Follow the rules, and you will have more opportunities to market your business to YA users. Read the Suggestion Forum as well for some tips from oldtimers on how to navigate YA.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

3 Way (Three Way) Link Building Service

One way to improve the ranking your website receives in a search and to bring more visitors to your site is a method known as 3 way link building. This is a somewhat more complicated system than other link building methods, but it is also the most effective of them all and worth whatever it takes to set up. It also has the advantage of being accepted by search engines, unlike the other link building methods which are no longer being calculated into the results of a search.

In order to start a 3 way link building concept for your website, you will have to know what that is in the first place. For starters, you will need to have three participating websites that all link back to one another. For example, you have website A and give your link to a similar website B that then passes their link onto website C, which then in turn sets up your link which leads right back to your website A. As long as this cycle is not broken, it will work with any search engine and will not be classified as a two way link, even though the outcome is the same and higher search rankings and more traffic is the result. In fact, more traffic will probably be the result because a total of 3 websites will be linked with one another and the more websites involved, the more traffic there will be.

In order to make 3 way link building work for your website, you will have to compile a list of sites that have subject matter relevant or similar to what is on yours. Once you have this list you should contact them, either through an email or even by calling them up should they have a contact number available. Ask them if they are interested in 3 way linking, since they will have to provide their link to another website that will have to post a link back to you. Some sites have sister sites or partners that they work with, and that would be the best place to start. When looking for sites to take part in 3 way link building with you, also do a search and see which are the top ranked websites in your field and then take a look at their link section. It is a good tactic to have those websites participate in 3 way looking, because that is the fastest and most efficient way to improve your own traffic and search ratings. Sometimes the successful sites sell links, this can be done, but make sure that they understand the conditions.

In order to make a 3 way link building system work for you, you will have to do some research and asking around in order to find willing partners. Once this is done, you will have to check on the links for the other two websites and also do what you can to attract people to your site and not rely on others completely.

Tuesday 10 January 2012


As most of you are aware, the Web nowadays is the top place to sell a service or product.  If truth be told most of the information on the Internet is focused towards marketing in some fashion.  This is terrific if you want to market a product or service.  For example, many bands and singers are getting noticed because of the Internet.  Youtube is a great place for promoting all kinds of products and services.  Some bands and singers have become quite well-known of Youtube. 

With new social networking sites popping all the time, like Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, Friendster and so on, there are never-ending ways to advance your website.  You can brand your product or service easier today than ever before.  Perhaps you only want to improve your Page Rank (PR), or you would want to show up on the first page of Google.  Most people who are doing serious SEO are trying to achieve three things:

1.  Traffic to their website
2.  To make money.
3.  Brand their product or services

There are other reasons of course, but essentially it seems these are the most common reasons why website owners use money and time to publicize their website.


The history of the Internet advertising could take up a 500 page book.  I simply want to talk about this briefly.  Fact, Internet Marketing has advanced in so many ways over the years.  There was a point in time when you constructed a website and there was no way of marketing it except to telling people where to find it.  There was no link building or blogging.  Your website simply sat there and there were few methods of marketing it.  In the true sense of the word you website was "static."  Ah yes, Google didn't exist and Netscape was the browser you used.

These days it can be a full time job promoting your website so it ranks satisfactory with Google.  Furthermore, Google has evolved over time.  I recollect when Google used to place a high importance on a static website.   Later on it changed and put a greater importance on blogs, forums and dynamic content.

Content of the Internet these days takes up something like 48 billion pages! Currently Google is being referred to as the Semantic Web.  This new Semantic Web is the current trend with Google's Web 3.0 which is centered on Thematic or Latent Behavioral Indexing.  Sounds a little technical but it is actually simple to understand.  Wikipedia notes that with the latest infrastructure of the Internet Google can assimilate innovative ways of searching and indexing the web in a more broad method.  Google's new 3.0  algorithm will be able to determine the reputation and authority (possibly beyond the link graph and what's normally viewed as Page Rank).  Some sense that this more complex search should to return superior significant results more rapidly, however according to Matt Cutts this is not the reason for the current transition into Web 3.0.  Cutts explains that the key aspect of this new algorithm is mainly concentrated on the credibility of websites and where they should be placed in the search engines.
At this time, Google's new "Web 3.0 algorithm is not completely implemented yet.  It is valuable to glance at one Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques that has been around for a long time and will remain to be a worthwhile aspect of SEO in the future.


It is common practice for website owners to purchase back links. Or, you can hire somebody to do your back linking. While this can be a worthwhile thing to do it repeatedly falls short of the promises made by deceitful so called SEO experts. Why? Well most back link service providers purchase their links and sell them to you. It is frequently easier for them to do this than to search for excellent back links.

What lots of people don't take in consideration is, these back links repeatedly contain no anchor text and are in the wrong categories or themes. Agreed, these links will advance your website but be aware that this increase in position will be short lived. In the end, you will become conscious that cash you used on this type of link building is ineffective. Fact is, Google recognizes these links are from paid linking directories and they take their credit back for those links subsequent to their bot or spider has scanned your website a few times.


Plain Link Wheels are structured comparable to a bicycle wheel. Link wheels are prepared by means of a hub and spokes. Moreover, all of these spokes and the hub are made with Web 2.0 properties. Each spoke (Web 2.0 property), is linked jointly in a rounded shape and each spoke goes to the hub. The hub can be another Web 2.0 property or your website. If your hub is one more Web 2.0 property you would want to link that to your website. 
Fundamentally the strength in link wheels is determined by the Web 2.0 properties used.
To review, all of your spokes would be linked together in a circular style to each other. These links would only be in a one way direction. As well, each spoke would be linked to your hub. Next your hub would link to your website (if you used a Web 2.0 property).
Link wheels can be constructed in many ways. You are only restricted by your imagination. Nonetheless, many SEO Specialists fail to tell you is that you can take advantage of almost any Web 2.0 property in a link wheel. Here are a few that you can examination:

Video creation and posting to Youtube. Place your video in each blog. Upload your video to additional video hosting sites.

Writing articles and submitting them to article directories like GoArticles or Ezinearticles. Link the articles to your properties.

Make the most of the profile in your Facebook, Friendster or MySpace account by leaving the URL of your property, hub or website.

Give tips and provide information on sites like Ehow and Wikipedia make sure to place your URL in the profile page.

Use Squidoo Lenses. Have one key page and do 4 additional on your subject (5 pages in total). Build up your Squidoo lens and get people to remark on it to make it a dofollow. Link them to other properties in your wheel and to your hub or website.

Make use of blogs like is similar to Squidoo. Write a long article and get comments on your blog to make it a dofollow. Link it to one property and to your hub.

Be careful, that all link wheels have got to be created with dofollow web 2.0 properties. Properties like Squidoo are initially nofollow. You have to attain a specific standing with Squidoo to make it a do follow. You need to build your lens at the beginning and acquire the points required to begin with before you include it into your link wheel. If not, you will be working with a broken link wheel with no juice!

All of the content above is meant as a short overview of how to promote a product or service using link wheels. I tried to make it uncomplicated however in reality the procedure is more complicated and extremely time consuming. That been said, if link wheels are constructed precisely they can have massive effects on your SERPS can drive huge amounts of traffic and back links to your website.

Make sure that if you decide to make use of the services of an SEO expert to create Link Wheels ask them some crucial questions about link wheels and how they construct them. Without a doubt, if a link wheel is done properly it will go on as long as you want it. Moreover, with just modest maintenance they will continue to guide that traffic to your website without end. The key to success with link wheels is to take time and do them properly the first time.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Search Engine Optimization Test on O Desk

Search Engine Optimization Test ( You Must Be Passed)
Labels: Search Engine Optimization Test

Which of the following search engines or directories provides the directory search results for Yahoo?

a.Windows Live

b.Yahoo Directory
Ans: B

Question: 2Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?

a.If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommends that you only allow the indexing of the better versio

b.Linking to a page inconsistently does not affect the way Google views the page/s. Examples of inconsistent linking could be and and

c.Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material as duplicate

d.Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed as duplicate content by Google


Question: 3 What is Keyword Density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word count on page - (MINUS)the total words in HTML on the page

b.The number of times the keyword is used X (MULTIPLIED BY) the total word count on page

c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page description

d.The number of times the keyword is used in the page title

e.The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word count on the page
Ans: D

Question: 4 Which of the following statements about the Google Sitemap are correct:

a.Repeated submission of the Sitemap to Google could be penalized

b.It is possible to create and submit specialized Sitemaps to Google for Video and Mobile content

c.The Sitemap acceptable to Google follows an XML format
Ans: A

Question: 5Are RSS/Atom feeds returned in Google's search results?

Ans: B

Question: 6
What does the term Keyword Prominence refer to?

a.It refers to the fact that the importance of choosing high traffic keywords leads to the best return on investment
b.It refers to the importance attached to getting the right keyword density
c.It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage are given priority by the search engines
d.It refers to the fact that the keywords in bold font are given priority by the search engines
Ans: C

Question: 7 Which of the following factors does Google take into account while assessing whether or not a website is an authority website?

a.The frequency with which the content of the website is updated

b.The number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the website

c.The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)

d.None of the above
Ans: A,B,C

Question: 8 What is Anchor Text?

a.It is the main body of text on a particular web page

b.It is the text within the left or top panel of a web page

c.It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page

d.It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a title to the page
Ans: C

Question: 9
If you search for the term "iq test" in the Word Tracker keyword suggestion tool, will it return the number of independent searches for the term "iq"?


Question: 10 What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?




Ans: D

Question: 11
Do search engines such as Google detect unnatural linking patterns by checking the Class C IP address of the page where the link to the website originates?

Ans: A

Question: 12  What term is commonly used to describe the shuffling of positions in search engine results in between major updates?

Ans: B

Question: 13 While grading your website, Google gives cgreenit to outbound links pointing to authority websites?

Ans: B

Question: 14
Which of the following URLs can the Google search engine spider?





e.All of the above
Ans: E

Question: 15
Google displays up to _____ characters of a webpage's Title Tag.


Question: 16
What does the 302 server response code signify?

a.It signifies conflict, too many people wanted the same file at the same time

b.The page has been permanently removed
c.The method you are using to access the file is not allowed

d.The page has temporarily moved

e.What you requested is just too big to process
Ans: D

Question: 17
Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the description meta tag?

a.It should be about 50 characters in length
b.The description should not contain the keywords

c.If the meta description is not included, the search engines will use the meta keywords for information

d.Google uses the meta description to generate the search engine results pages
Ans: D

Question: 18 State whether true or false.

The Yahoo Directory listing is a free service for commercial sites.

Ans: A

Question: 19  Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the images within a webpage?

a.Images cannot be spidegreen by the search engines

b.Important keywords related to the image should be placed in the ALT text

c.Images should always be kept close to the top of a webpage

d.Image maps should be used while including the images

Ans: B

Question: 20 Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve?

a.Increasing the keyword density on the web pages
b.Offering a different set of web pages to the search engines
c.Hiding the keywords within the webpage
d.Creating multiple pages and hiding them from the website visitors

Ans: B

Question: 21
Which of the following facts about Alexa are correct?

a.Alexa provides free data on relative website visitor traffic
b.Alexa and Quantcast provide information on visitor household incomes
c.Alexa is biased towards US based traffic
d.Quantcast only tracks people who have installed the Quantcast toolbar

Question: 22
Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells links, what action/s does Google recommend to avoid being penalized?

a.The text of the paid links should state the words "paid text link" for Google to identify it as a paid link
b Only Paid text links to non profit websites should be accepted
c.Paid links should be disclosed through the "rel=nofollow" attribute in the hyperlink
d.Paid links should be disclosed through the "index=nofollow" attribute in the hyperlink
Ans: C

Question: 23 Which of the following actions could get you banned by Google?

a.Hiding text on the webpage
b.Stuffing keywords on the webpage
c.Linking to sites banned by Google
d.None of the above

Ans: A

Question: 24
Which of the following statements about Google's technical and quality guidelines is true?

a.It is advantageous if your web server supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP header

b.If using dynamic pages, it helps to keep the parameters short and the number of them few

c.Avoid using robots.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generated pages, even if they don't add much value for users coming from search engines

d.Submitting new pages of your website at as soon as they are online, helps to speed up indexing
Ans: B

Question: 25
Which of the following is an ethical SEO Technique?

a.Creating a subdomain with the hottest keyword and creating duplicate copies of existing pages on it

b.Filling your pages with keywords, whether relevant to the page content or not

c.Creating a page which serves a different content to the search engine bots and different to human users

d.None of the above
Ans: D

Question: 26
All major search engines are case sensitive.

Ans: B

Question: 27
While optimizing your website it is important to generate the right type of traffic, how does the Bounce Rate information help in this regard?

a.By letting you know the percentage of users who entegreen the website and then went on to visit additional pages
b.By letting you know the percentage of users who entegreen the website and then left without viewing any other page
c.By letting you know the percentage of users who decided to go back to the source from where they found your website
d.By letting you know the percentage of users who left your website within 10 seconds of viewing the first page

Ans: B

Question: 28 Which of the following factors contribute towards link popularity of a website?

a.The number of websites that link to it

b.The number of pages of the website indexed by Google
c.The number of pages in the website

d.The quality of websites that link to it
Ans: A,B,C,D

Question: 29 Search engines do not index some common words (such as "or", "and", "when", and "in") within the webpage. What are these common words called?

a.Barrier words

b.Non-indexable words
c.Slow words

d.Stop words
Ans: D

Question: 30
Which of the following activities could be looked down upon by Google as per their quality guidelines?

a.Using automated website submission software
b.Loading pages with irrelevant links
c.Intentionally adding keywords to the TITLE tags and ALT attributes
d.Registering misspellings of well-known websites

Ans: B,C
may be A,B,D

Question: 31
Which of the following statements about RSS are correct?

a.It is a form of XML
b.It stands for Realtime streamlined syndication
c.It is a good way of displaying static information
d.It is a Microsoft technology

Ans: A

Question: 32 _________ is usually the best web page to get linked to while receiving a themed in-bound link from another website.

a.The sitemap
b.The contact page
c.The home page
d.The page which you would like to improve in the search engine rankings
Ans: D

Question: 33
Which of the following can be termed as good keyword selection and placement strategies?

a.Targeting synonyms of the main keyword
b.Targeting the highest searched keywords only
c.Copying competitor keywords
d.Optimizing five or more keywords per page

Question: 34
If your site is not appearing in Google search results because of some unethical SEO practices in the recent past, _________________.

a.abandon and close your website permanently.
b.modify the page contents, make them useful and relevant to the human users, and request Google to reconsider your site.
c.start a PPC campaign to get your site included in the sponsogreen results. is better to discontinue the website and shift your webpages to a fresh website with a new domain name.
Ans: D

Question: 35 Which of the following statements about search engine optimization techniques are correct:

a.Making a keyword bold does not influence the way that the search engine looks at the keyword

b.Websites with deep linking are looked at favorably by search engines engine robots follow the first link they find to any particular page and they do not follow additional links to the same page

d.It is not a good idea to have the same anchor text for all inbound links as it could look automated to the search engines
Ans: A, B, D

Question: 36
A Hallway Page is used to:

a.Attract visitors from the search engines straight onto the Hallway Page

b.Organize the Doorway Pages

c.Help people navigate to different Doorway Pages

d.Enable search engine bots to index the Doorway Pages
Ans: D

Question: 37 Which of the following free tools/websites could help you identify which city in the world has the largest search for the keyword - "six sigma"?

a.Yahoo Search Term Suggestion Tool

c.Google Traffic Estimator
d.Google Trends
Ans: D

Question: 38
How are site maps important for the search engine optimization process?

a.Site maps help the search engine editorial staff to quickly go through a website, hence ensuring quicker placement

b.Google gives cgreenit to the websites having site maps. The GoogleBot looks for the keyword or title "Site Map" on the home page of a website.

c.Site maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the website

d.None of the above
Ans: C

Question: 39
State whether the following statement is true or false.

A Sitemap provides a list of internal links to user accessible pages on a website.

Ans: A

Question: 40
What is the function of "indexer" part of the Google search engine?

a.It helps to retrieve web pages from the world wide web

b.It helps to gather information from other search engines
c.It helps to sort the documents that Google has retrieved

d.It helps to generate meaningful results based upon the user's search term

Ans: D

Question: 41 Which of the following conditions will Google treat favorably from the 'Relevancy' perspective?

a.The website offering products and services to the visitors country

b.A website that provides free content for the related keywords

c.Hidden keywords on the home page matching the search term

d.Image Alt tags on the home page matching the search term
Ans: D

Question: 42 Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to Yahoo. What is performed by the link: operator?

a.It shows all the outbound links from the URL

b.It shows how many pages of the site Yahoo is pointing to

c.It shows all the pages that point to that URL

d.It shows URLs with broken links


Question: 43 Which of the following factors have an impact on the Google PageRank?

a.The total number of inbound links to a page of a web site

b. The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site

c.The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web site

d. The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page of a web site

Question: 44 What is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknown area of reputability/validity? hat techniques

b.Silver hat techniques

c.Grey hat techniques

d.Shady hat techniques


Question: 45 Why is it a bad idea from the seo perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very common on the internet.

a.Because they will not lead to fresh traffic

b.Because you could get penalized by search engines for using duplicate content

c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting

d.Because people could turn up claiming copy right infringement


Question: 46 The following robots meta tag directs the search engine bots:
<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex,nofollow">
a.Not to index the homepage and not to follow the links in the page

b.Not to index the page and not to follow the links in the page

c.To index the page and not to follow the links in the page

d.Not to index the page but to follow the links in the page


Question: 47
_________________ use both crawlers and directories to generate relevant results.

a.Crawler-based Search Engines

b.Human-Powegreen Directories

c.Hybrid Search Engines

d.Meta Search Engines

Question: 48 Which of the following statements is correct with regard to natural links?

a.They are two way links (reciprocal links)

b.They are from authority websites

c.They are voluntary in nature

d.They are from .edu or .gov extension websites

Question: 49 What will happen if you type the words 'Certification -Networking' in the Google search box?

a.Google will find the web pages about Certification and also containing the word "Networking"

b.Google will find all the web pages containing the words "Certification" and "Networking"

c.Google will find all the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking" appear together

d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking

Question: 50 If you enter 'Help' in the Google search box, what will Google search for?

a.It will open up the Google help pages applicable to

b.It will find pages about help within

c.It will only find page titles about help within

d.It will direct you to the request page for re-indexing of

Question: 51 Which of the following statements about FFA pages are true?

a.They are greatly beneficial to SEO

b.They are also called link farms

c.They are paid listings

d.They contain numerous inbound links


Question: 52 What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word 'actor' will also show search results for related words such as actress, acting or act?



c.RSD (real time synonym detection)




Question: 53 If a website's search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is 20%, what does it mean?

a.20% of the webpages of the website have been indexed by the search engine

b.Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine

c.20% of the websites pages will never be indexed

d.The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the search engine for its most important search terms


Question: 54 What is the main reason for the effectiveness of optimizing a webpage towards a long tail keyword search?

a.There are more long tail searches than shorter keyword queries

b.Search engines often pass on long tail searches to lesser known and new websites

c.Search engines do not pass on long tail search traffic to websites that rank high for shorter keyword searches

d.There are fewer websites that have targeted such keywords